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经典美国总统- George Washington


Describe a person you admire

这道题相信咱们考托的学生非常熟悉吧,描述一个你赞美的人,但每当我听到这道题的答案时:爸爸,妈妈,叔叔,婶婶,奶奶,爷爷,内容呢?无非就是善良,耐心,warm-hearted, 甚至有学生我敬仰的原因是扶老太太过马路,好吧,说爸爸妈妈这样做倒也罢了,你竟然说佩服爷爷扶一个老奶奶过马路,估计爷爷光是想想就已经醉了


----他就是美国总统 Coming—George Washington 乔治.华盛顿

来看看华盛顿先森都做过那些令人敬仰的事情吧,我们好从当中选择一个Reason, 作为我们的Reason1

1. 华盛顿是是美国的’国父’,且华盛顿是美国的首任总统

2. 1775-1783年美国独立战争’总司令’

3. 1776年主导发表’独立宣言’




1. 诚实-樱桃树

The first reason that I admire GW is because of his honesty.

I learned a story about GW. he is a person who is not disposed to cheat, and he believes that the humans quality should deem truth as an essential value. Moreover, I also learned from him that admitting the mistake is not a bad thing, others will forgive you because of your honesty.

2. Not-Greedy


1. 总统是由人民选出来的(军方出身不适合涉及政治)

2. 总统任期不超过两届,不然会对美国民主造成威胁(反例请参照我们的好盆友朝鲜民国-金氏家族思密达)。


Second, GW told us that people should barely put ourselves and our needs on the forefront, when it comes to getting others needs met. He usually listen to the necessities of others. What is more, his life goal is not to get more and more of something he wants, but to focus on how to help others to get it.




In terms of the singers I like, I think Wangfei is among one of my favorite ones. I like her for several reasons. First of all, she is very talented. She has the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard. When hearing her voice, I feel extremely calm and relaxed. Moreover, she is a brave girl when pursuing her dream. When she first started singing, she was not very popular. So she went to the US and learned a special way of singing and soon earned her fame in Asia. More importantly, her songs are always very inspiring and encouraging. Whenever I have difficulties, I can always find comfort and courage in her songs.



Describe a celebrity/a famous person in history you want to see most.

I want to see Confucius the most. He is the most famous thinker and educator in Ancient China. I admire him first because he advocated benevolence. According to Confucius, benevolence means courtesy, loyalty and unselfishness. He always told his students the importance to love other people, to treat other people like brothers and sisters. Secondly, he believed that people with lofty ideal will never give up righteousness to seek survive, but may sacrifice their lives for righteousness. Finally, Confucius believed in the dignity of people. He is against the ancient custom of burying ceramic tomb figures with dead, because he thinks it was disrespect to humans. In China, Confucius is still influencing how we think today.

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