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Aging of the Population

Population officials and demographers have much to worry about China’s increasingly aging population. It is estimated that the proportion of people aged 60 or older in China will rise to 11.8 percent in 2020. By the middle of this century, people aged beyond 60 will take up 27.4 percent of the total population — that means one out of every four people will be senior!

The aging population poses a serious challenge to families and the society. On the one hand, with families becoming smaller and living pace escalating, it is even graver for families to care for aged members adequately. On the other hand, aging causes a relative decline in working force. Consequently, the productivity of the whole society will be affected to some extent.

The rapidity of the population’s aging has made it more urgent for the adoption of countermeasures. There is no doubt that the key is to build a solid economic foundation. Meanwhile, importance should be attached to overall social progress by changing the backward situation in social security, welfare and service. What’s more, family care and community-based services should also be encouraged.



1. 随着电子设备的增多,电子垃圾也越来越多

2. 电子垃圾的危害很多

3. 为此,我们应该……


Electronic waste, or e-waste, has become an issue of serious concern to the public as agrowing number of electronic items are discarded in landfills every year. Many consumers arenot aware that electronics like computers and cell phones actually contain toxins that can leachout into the soil and damage the environment.

E-waste compounds pose hazards to the environment as well as the human beings. Tostart with, when exposed to heat, the components of e-waste release toxic fumes and gas,polluting the air and causing global environmental problems. When circuit breakersdeteriorate, they release toxins, such as mercury, that pollute groundwater. In addition toits damaging effect on the environment, researchers have now linked e-waste to adverseeffects on human health.

In my view, it’s high time that the damage of e-wasted should be realized by the public andmeasures should be taken to cope with this issue. One idea is to put greater responsibility onthe companies that produce the goods. It should be mandatory for them to taking theabandoned items back and dispose them in an environmentally-friendly manner.



1. 目前,一些城市开始推行垃圾分类

2. 垃圾分类的重要性

3. 为此,我们应该……


Currently, news has it that some major cities in China are setting about pushing “wastesorting”, with the purpose of both reforming the traditional waste treatment and improvingthis fragile environment we live in. What an encouraging change!

Compared with the traditional way of collecting waste, the new method has brought with ita variety of benefits. First and foremost, wastes are sent to different factories according to theirclassification rather than landfills, where they would be simply burnt and buried. What’smore, waste classification not only cuts the spending on treating waste, but generates somehandsome interest. Recyclable wastes, such as paper, glass and plastic, can be reused afterbeing processed in related factories, while other wastes can be turned into the valuable. In aword, waste classification is both vital and necessary to environmental protection as well asour life.

From my perspective, waste classification should be further promoted as an effectivemeans of environmental protection. As college students, we are supposed to complywithrelevant regulations, sorting wastes before we dispose them. Meanwhile, it would be ratherbeneficial if we could influence as more people around us as possible.



It is believed that the computer is bringing the world into a brand new era. At the time the computer was invented, scientists, marveling at its calculating speed, felt that they had created a miracle. Nowadays, the function of the computer is no longer confined to calculation; it permeates people’s daily lives and has become an inseparable part of human society.


People become so heavily dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine the life without computers. Therefore, some people are worried that “The real danger is not that the computer will think like man, but man will think like the computer.”


Their concern does make sense. Indeed, some people spend such a long time working on computers that they have few interactions with people in real life. According to a research, too many hours in front of a computer may lead to a poker face and interpersonal isolation. This fact should arouse our attention, because unlike computers, human beings are social creatures that need emotional connections with others.


Yet, it is also unnecessary for us to be overwhelmed by the negative impacts of computers. After all, we humans are intelligent and will be able to figure out better ways to make improvements.


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