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1. 目前大学生在求职上花的钱越来越多

2. 人们对此看法不一

3. 我的看法


It's said that Chinese students lack working and real-life experience.

So the first thing in my mind for job is one that can give me enough experience.Second,inorder to make a warm-up for my future work,I want to get a job that relates to my major inuniversity.Third,I want to improve my ability of communicating. So these are my goals infinding a job.

Before I go to realise it,I should make full preparations for it.First of all,I will determinewhat I want to do.It comes to my mind to be a personal teacher. Because it meets all myexpectations.I major English in school,so I can use what I learn.Besides,I can really find astranger to talk to and to study with.If I did well,I should be thanked and give another personsome help.

Last but not least,being a personal teacher can get a good salary.


Should Graduates Spend Much on Job Hunting?

Nowadays college graduates spend more and more money on job hunting. According to arecent survey, almost every graduate spends some money on finding a job. And clothing,transportation, resumes producing and training expense are the main aspects that cost thema lot of money.

As to this phenomenon, different people have different views. Some say it is necessary forgraduates to spend money in producing embellished resumes and buying suitable clothes,which can give interviewers a good impression and increase their chance of success. However,others don’t think so. They argue that the high expenditure can increase their parents’financial burden since most students have no regular income. Apart from that, the decoratedresumes do little help to find a job because most HR managers pay more attention to skills.

In my opinion, there is nothing wrong for graduates to invest some money on job hunting.But they should bear in mind that it is their knowledge, skills as well as experience that mattera lot. So they must have a rational attitude toward what they should buy and how muchmoney they should spend.



1. 目前微信很流行

2. 微信流行的原因

3. 可能存在的问题


Weixin has many functions. Weixin has basic functions, such as send hold-to-talk voicemessages, text messages, pictures and videos. Weixin supports Wi-Fi and 3G data network.And it supports China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Japan and US Phone Number.

Weixin has speakerphone. Gently press the button to speak. The other party will be able toreceive the voice after the button release. Weixin can enjoy group chat up to 20 people. What’smore, Weixin has many other attractive functions. The most attractive function is searchpeople around you. Weixin can search people near you who has Weixin base on your ownlocation. This function can make user to know people around you and then to built a newrelationship. Weixin alsosupports to send video. Shoot a video and send it to the other partyimmediately.

The compressed video is also suitable for transmission in mobile network. So you canalways share the wonderful pieces of life with other people at any time. Weixin also has driftbottle function.

This function can share your messages to the world anonymously and make new friends.Weixin also has voice notes function. This function not only can save your voice memo, butalso keep your pictures and texts in a convenient way. Weixin also can help you to catch yourmessages and keep you always updated. Weixin has QQ mail notificationswhich can alert youwhen new mails come to your QQ mailbox and you can read the mails right away. It supportssending and receiving messages from Tencent micro blog.

Weixin has English language edition. It is convenience for foreign to use it.

It can help the company to dominate the market outside of China.


Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed

In past several decades,owning to the fantastic development of society,many traditional views are changed.And nowadays the following topic has around public attention.Some people argue that it is absolutely correct for one to expect a reward when doing a good deed,while others hold opposite view.

It is pointed out by a great many people that one should not expect any reward when doing a goog deed.They believe that good deeds belong to voluntary service,purely out of willingness,which has nothing to do with expectation of rewards.In other words,people do good deed is not because intending to obtain money or returns from others,but because wishing to do so and feeling honored,respected and needed.As a result,doing good deeds will be an essential source of one's happiness,pleasure and even pride. However,people who agree a fresh view claim that people should be rewarded for doing good deed,because those warm-hearted and nice people will sacrifice their own benefits.Suppose those people cannot obtain any praise and reward,will they still manage to do good deeds?The answer will not be

optimistic.Logically,they emphasize that proper and proportionate rewards will definitely encourage people in ever increasing numbers to help those who are in trouble.

Weighing the pros and cons of both two sides,I believe every view has its own reasons.Nevertheless,I cherish a belief that rewards,although many people do good deeds in order not to gain any reward,will gradually and eventually increase the number of people who expect to help people.

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