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广州环球雅思学习资讯 关于2012年4月28日雅思口语预测之3月4月5月雅思口语最新调整(一)的内容,预测只是起到引导总结的作用,备考中要多熟悉那些常考饿题目,有针对性的增加题目,这样可以提高复习的效率,希望能对广大学员起到一定的帮助,下面就是详细内容的介绍。

1.Part 2

Describe a leader who you admire (for example, in sport, business or politics)

You should say:

who this person is ?

How he or she became a leader?

what this person did (has done) that you admire?

part3 What are the abilities of a good leader?

2. Part 2

Describe an educational TV program that you like to watch.

You should say:

the name of the program

what type of program it is

what contents

what you learn from this program.

Part 2

Describe a TV program you dislike.

You should say

What it was?

When you watched it? Where you watched it ?

And explain the reason why you did not like it?

Part 3

Is the program you mentioned popular in China?

What TV programs are popular in China recently?

Have the TV programs changed in recent years? Is it good or bad?

What types of programs are good for children?

3. Part 2

Describe something you made

You should say:

what it was

where and when you made it

how you made it

and explain how you felt after you made it

Part 2

Describe a piece of handicraft( a DIY)

4. Part 2

Descbibe recent changes of your home town

Which part of your hometown these changes have affected?

When and where these changes were made?

How you felt about it?



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