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The high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of the advertising but not the real need of the whole society in which they sell. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement ?

You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

Write at least 250 words.

(40 minutes)


Sample Answer:

Although the statement sounds somewhat over sweeping, there is a great deal of truth in it. Nowadays the power of advertising is so pervasive that it has boosted the sales of popular consumer goods more than any other factors.

The growth in the advertising industry seems to the inevitable corollary of economic and technological advancement. With the advent of mass production and an improvement in living standards, there has been a greater need for advertising than ever before. The manufacturers need it to promote their products; the consumers need it to learn about the choices available in the market. We as consumers are more and more dependent on advertising for obtaining information about consumer goods and for making decisions.

In addition, the advertised goods can easily become popular because the carriers of the ads usually newspapers, TV and recently the Internet can reach a wide audience. Their popularity, in turn, helps the goods become a symbol of status and fashion. Take mobile

phones for example, it is not infrequent for consumers to rush to the stores and buy the advertised ones simply because they are on TV or on the billboards. The driving motive behind such consumer behavior is not out of a real need, but rather, a desire to appear "cool" and to keep up with the Jones.

The power of advertising has become both greater and subtler. It even affects consumer psychology and distorts the real needs of a society. As a result, an increasingly large number of consumers make their buying decisions on whether or not the goods are advertised, rather than whether they are needed or not.

(269 words)


1、“Although the statement sounds somewhat over sweeping , there is a great deal of truth in it .” 这样的句子在文章开头即表明作者的中和态度。

2、Take...for example...以……为例……

3、“ The driving motive behind such consumer behavior is not out of a real need ,but rather ,a desire to appear‘cool’,and to keep up with the Jones.”注意 but rather 和 to keep up with the Jones 的运用。

更多关注:广州环球雅思培训学校 /huanqiu/



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