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2、问句中包括表示推测或是可能性的词:probably、most likely、might等。


I was ten years old that Saturday in 1963.There was a knock at the door,and after I opened it I was surprised to see a group of five strange men standing there.l quickly shut the door and ran to get my father. I had been told many times before not to answer the door unless one of my parents had told me to, and now I understood why: these five men were without a doubt the first fifth of that famous "25 robbers at my door" from the old hide-and-seek rhyme(童谣), and I had almost let them in!

In fear I said something to my father about a group of robbers at the door, and he said,"Good.They're right on time." Much to my shock, Dad not only let them in but also shook all of their hands

The men all worked at Fisher Body Plant No.1 with my father, and they sat where he told them to at our dining room table.Dad then passed out pencils and paper, from.box he had brought home earlier that day,handed each of them a printed sheet of paper with a series of math questions on it. "We'll start with fraction," Dad said. "How to find the lowest common denominator(公分母)?“

The men came for three hours every Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday and Friday for the next two months.Dad explained that they had taken a test at the factory to be promoted to a skilled job and none had passed the math part.This test was said to be the reason why there was a very small percentage of African-Americans in any skilled job at Fisher Body.Dad said he knew they could do the job if they were given:chance. I understood what my father was doing, but it wasn't until many years later that I appreciated it.

I remember the great joy on my father's face when he came home from work one day and told my mother, "They all passed! The managers even want John to take the test again.They think he cheated somehow.He scored perfect on the math!"


We may infer from the story that

A. the boy's father passed the test too

B. the boy's father helped John to cheat on the test

C. John did unbelievably well on the math test

D. John must have cheated on the test

分析:这是一道典型的推理题。要正确解答这道题日。关键在于文章的最后一段,但前提是对文章前面的内容也要有所了解。在前面几段文字里,作者讲述了他父亲帮助5个美国照人学习算术以使他们能够通过公司里的升职考试。而在文章的最后一段,作者提到那5个受到父亲带助的人全都通过了考试。而John被要求重新考试。并不是因为他作弊了,而是因为他考了满分(scored perfect)。所以公司不相信这是真的。由此我们可以推断出4个选项中A, B, D都不正确,只有C与题意相符。A是凭空推断的结论。B与原文明显相矛盾。D也是凭空推测。
更多关注:广州朗阁雅思学校 /langge/



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