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A Did we get homework last class?

B No, I don't think so.

A 上节课我们有课外作业吗?

B 没有,我觉得没有。

A Have you got your work done for today?

B Yeah. I have handed it in to the professor.

A 今天的功课做完了吗?

B 是的,我已经交给教授了。

★hand in 上交,呈递

A Can I see your notes?

B Sure, here you are.

A 我能看看你的笔记吗?

B 好的,给你。

A I like the way this professor teaches.

B Me too. He's very intellectual.

A 我喜欢这个教授的讲课方式。

B 我也是,他真的很有才。

★intellectual [??nt??lekt?u?l] adj. 有才智的

A Professor Smith, can I ask you a question?

B Sure, go ahead.

A 史密斯教授,我能问你一个问题吗?

B 当然可以,问吧。

A Are you taking notes?

B Yeah, but they're getting worse as time goes on.

A 你在做笔记吗?

B 是啊,不过时间越长我写得越乱。

★take note 做笔记

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