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A Oh, man, I don't think I'm going to like this class.

B Well, you can always drop it.

A 噢,天哪,我觉得我不会喜欢这门课的。

B 好吧,你随时可以放弃这门课。

★drop [drɑp] v. 停止,中断

A What classes are you taking next semester?

B I'm going to take chemistry and mathematics.

A 下学期你计划学哪些课程?

B 我打算学化学和数学。

★chemistry [?kem?str?] n. 化学

★mathematics [?mæθ??mæt?ks] n. 数学

A How many credits do we need to get the degree?

B 200 credits.

A 我们要修满多少学分才能拿到学位?

B 两百个学分。

★credit [?kred?t] n. 学分

A Why did you choose this course?

B Because I will get lots of practice in speaking, and also in writing.

A 你为什么选这门课程?

B 因为我会有很多练习会话和写作的机会。

A Can I choose a specialization such as 19th century English literature?

B Yes, you can choose it when you are in the second year.

A 我能选择像19世纪英国文学这样的课程作为专业课吗?

B 可以,你大二的时候可以选择这门课。

★specialization [?spe??la??ze???n] n. 专业,专门

★literature [?l?tr?t??(r)] n. 文学,文学作品

A Is there a wide variety of classes offered each semester?

B Classes are limited to freshmen, but after the first year you may take more advanced courses.

A 每学期都会有许多课程供选择吗?

B 对新生开放的课程是有限的,但一年之后你就可以选择更多的高级课程了。

★semester [s??mest?(r)] n. 学期

★freshmen ['fre?m?n] n. 新生,大学一年级学生

★advanced course 高级课程

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