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A Being single is great. I'm not tied down to a relationship.

B Don't you get lonely at all,though?

A 单身真好。我是不会谈恋爱的。

B 但你不感到孤独吗?

★single [?s??gl] adj. 单一的,独身的

★tie down 限制,牵制

★relationship [r??le???n??p] n. 关系

★lonely [?l??nli] adj. 孤独的,寂寞的

A Enjoying being single is my only aim now.And you're doing all right with the being single things.

B Yeah,being single leaves nothing to be desired.

A 享受单身是我现在唯一的目标,你单身不是过得挺好嘛。

B 是啊,单身后我别无所求。

★desire [d??za??(r)] v. 渴望,要求

A How's your bachelor life going?

B Being single feels like I'm on the top of the world.

A 你的单身生活怎么样?

B 单身生活简直太好了。

★on the top of the world 高兴得很,幸福到极点

A Now that I don't need to report to my girl friend,I feel better.

B Get a life.There's nothing bad about being single.

A 现在我不用向女朋友报告了,我感觉太好了。

B 享受生活吧,单身也没什么不好的。

★get a life 开始过一个更为充实或更有趣的生活

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