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Friends TV series started in 1994 and finally ended in 2004. It is one of the most popular TV shows of its time and many like me were sorry to see it end.There have been many reviews but I wanted to write this review as a tribute to this great show.


The names Rachel, Joey, Monica, Phoebe, Chandler and Ross have become synonymous for those actors, I don't remember their original names but when I see Mathew in some movie, I say that the lead role was played by Chandler and my friends understand. Not just the names but these characters also stand for a particular trait.That is the reason why Joey's character has inspired the new Joey series.


The friends'theme song is very catchy and it is probably the only theme song that I remember. The series has made me laugh over these years and I still watch the reruns every day.I usually don't like to watch reruns of any movie, but it is different for Friends, even when I know the whole episode, it is still fun to watch the reruns.


My favorite character is Joey, he is simple and candid, and it is very diffcult to say which is my favorite episode because I have enjoyed most of them.


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