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A:Good morning!Beijing Trading Company.May I help you?早上好!北京贸易公司,我能为您服务吗?

B:Good morning!This is Mr. Smith of King Electronics Company.I d like to speak to Mr. Zhong,please.早上好!我是肯电气公司的史密斯。我想找钟先生。

A:We have two Zhongs here.Is that Bob Zhong,or John Zhong?我们这里有两位先生姓钟。你要接鲍勃·钟,还是约翰·钟?


A:Is Mr. Bob Zhong in the Overseas Sales Division?请问是海外销售部分公司的鲍勃·钟吗?


A:I m sorry,he s not in the office now.很抱歉,他现在不在办公室。

B:Do you have any idea when he ll be back?你知道他何时回来吗?

A:He should be back at any moment.他随时都会回来。

B:I wonder if you could give Mr. Bob Zhong a message for me?您能不能给鲍勃·钟先生捎个口信?

A:Yes.Certainly.Just a minute.I ll get a pen.(Pause)OK.Please carry on.当然可以。请等一下。我拿支笔。(停顿)好的,请说。

B:There will be a very urgent meeting at three o clock and I would like Mr. Bob Zhong to attend it.三点钟有一个紧急会议,我想让鲍勃·钟先生参加。

A:OK.An urgent meeting...three o clock...May I ask what it s regarding?好的……一个紧急会议……三点钟……请问是关于哪方面事情的?

B:Yes.It s regarding the foreign exchange market and our sales strategy this year.哦,是关于外汇市场和我们今年的销售策略问题的。

A:Shall I tell Mr. Bob Zhong to prepare any material?要不要告诉鲍勃·钟先生去准备一些资料?

B:Yes,thank you.好的,谢谢你。

A:I ll let him know,Mr. Smith.史密斯先生,我将转告他。

B:Thank you very much.Bye.非常感谢。再见。

A:You re welcome.Bye.不客气。再见。

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