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A: Well,many people think that autumn is the best season of the year.Do you agree with that?

A: 唔,许多人认为秋天是一年中比较好的季节。你同意吗?

B: Sure.In autumn,the weather is cool and the sky is usually blue.

B: 我当然也这么想。秋天天气凉爽,天空通常是一片蔚蓝。

A: And autumn is the season of harvest.In this season,many fruits ripen and the rice or wheat fields look like a golden sea.

A: 还有,秋天是收获的季节。在这个季节里,许多水果都熟了;稻田或麦田看上去就像金色的海洋。

B: In autumn,leaves turn brown and fall from the trees.That is why Americans call this season “fall”.

B: 秋天,树叶变成了褐黄色,从树上落下来。美国人把秋天叫做“fall”(落下)就是这个缘故。

A: Yes.You know,when you say somebody is in the autumn of his life,you mean he has reached the latter part of his life and passed his “best”years.

A: 不错。你知道,当你说某人正处于人生的秋天时,你指的是他到了生命的后半部分且已经度过了最“美好”的年龄。

B: But it's quite common that a person can still contribute to society in the autumn of his life.

B: 不过一个人在其后半生的日子里依然能够对社会做出贡献,这是很常见的事情。

A: That's quite true.But I think winter is my favorite.

A: 说得对。不过我认为冬天是我最喜欢的季节。

B: Well,winter sports fans naturally like winter.Skiing,sledging and ice skating are popular with them.Some people even enjoy swimming in the river in the dead of winter.The Winter Olympic Games is a great event in the sports world,you know.

B: 唔,热衷于冬季运动的人自然喜欢冬天。滑雪、乘雪橇、溜冰,都是他们喜爱的。有些人甚至在隆冬时分到河里游泳哩。你知道,冬季奥运会可是体育界的一大盛事啊!

A: Sure,I know that.I'm an excellent winter swimmer myself,you know.

A: 当然知道啦!你知道,我本人可是个出色的冬泳运动员哩。

B: Oh,really? Winter is virtually cold,and the days are shorter.Many trees shed their leaves and many birds fly to the south.

B: 哦,是吗?冬天可真冷,而且白天也比较短。许多树都落叶了,还有许多鸟儿都飞去了南方。

A: And rivers are frozen,fields deep in sleep.But do you know the famous line by P.B.Shelley,an English poet?

A: 还有,河流冻结,田野沉睡。可是你知道英国诗人雪莱的一句著名诗句吗?

B: Of course I know.That's the last line of the poem Ode to the West Wind: “If winter comes,can spring be far behind?”

B: 那还用说。就是《西风颂》里的最后一行:“冬天来了,春天还会远吗?”

A: Good.Well,do you know how to define the word “day”?

A: 说得好!呃,你知道怎样解释“day”(白天)这个词吗?

B:I think the world “day”just refers to the time between sunrise and sunset.

B: 我想“day”这个词指的就是日出到日落之间的这段时间。

A: What about “daylight”then?

A: 那么“daylight”(日光)又怎么说呢?

B: That's the light of day,of course.

B: 那当然是指白天的光亮啦。

A: You know,in summer daylight begins early and fades late.So,when summer comes,some countries and regions officially put summer time or daylight saving time in effect,so as to make the best of the daylight hours.

A: 你知道,夏天天亮得很早,日落却很迟。因此,当夏季来临的时候,有些国家或地区就正式实行夏令时间或日光节约时间,为的是充分利用白昼的光阴。

B: Well,it sometimes happens that a person or a shop is robbed in broad daylight.And it sometimes happens too that a hotel or restaurant charges its guests far too much.We can compare this to robbery,so we can call it “daylight robbery”.

B: 唔,有时候会发生这样的事情:一个人或一家商店在光天化日之下被抢劫。有时候还会出现这样的事情:旅馆或饭店,对客人收费过高。我们可把这种情况比作抢劫,因此我们把它称为是“明抢”。

A: Now another expression,you may sometimes be puzzled by some difficult problems in your studies.As long as you really work hard at them,you'll see daylight at the end of the tunnel.

A: 还有另一种表达方式,你在学习上可能偶尔会被某些难题难住而困惑不解,但只要你真正用心解答,最后你准会豁然开朗的。

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