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A:Excuse me,but aren t you Mr.Johnson from New York?对不起,请问您是纽约来的约翰逊先生吗?

B:Yes,I am.是的。

A:Nice to meet you,Mr.Johnson.I m Wang Bing,from Shanghai Foreign Trading Corporation.很高兴见到您,约翰逊先生。我是上海对外贸易公司的王冰。

B:Oh,it s so nice to meet you in person,Mr.Wang,although we have already known each other through correspondence.Thank you for coming to meet me.噢,王先生,见到您很高兴,虽然我们在书信往来中早就认识了。谢谢您来接我。

A:It s my pleasure.Did you have a nice trip?不用谢。您旅途愉快吗?

B:Yes,quite pleasant.The landing was very smooth.是的,相当愉快。飞机降落得非常稳。

A:Anyway it s a long flight.I believe you d like to freshen up a bit and have a good rest to overcome the jetlag.Shall we go to the hotel now? The car is waiting outside.不管怎么说,飞行时间挺长的。我想您一定要先梳洗梳洗,休息一下以调整时差。我们现在就去饭店,好吗? 我们的车在外面。

B:That s fine.Thank you.好的,谢谢。

A:May I help you with your luggage?需要我帮您拿行李吗?

B:No,thanks.I think I can manage myself.不,谢谢。我自己能行。

A:This way,please.请这边走。

B:Here s our car.Please.这是我们的车,请上车。

A:Thank you.谢谢。

B:Mr.Johnson,I ve booked a room for you at the Peace Hotel.约翰逊先生,我已在和平饭店为您订好了房间。

A:That s really very considerate of you.Is Pudong International Airport far from the city centre?谢谢,您考虑得真是太周到了。浦东国际机场离市中心远吗?

B:Yes,it s quite a long way away from the city centre.It takes about forty five minutes to drive to the Peace Hotel in the city centre.是的,相当远。驱车到市中心的和平饭店大约需要45分钟。

A:That s fine.很好。

B:Is this your first trip to Shanghai?您这是第一次来上海吗?

A:No,I was here five years ago.But last time,the plane landed at Hongqiao Airport.Shanghai has changed so much that I could hardly recognize it.不是,我5年前来过。但上一次,飞机降落在虹桥机场。上海变化真大,我简直都认不出了。

B:Yes,Shanghai has really changed a lot in the past five years.In order to develop the city,the municipal government has made great efforts to improve the infrastructure,especially the traffic network.是的,在过去的5年中,上海确实发生了很大的变化。为了发展上海,市政府花了很大的力气来改善上海的基础设施,尤其是城市的交通网。

A:Yes,I can see that.The roads have become much wider.是的,这一点我看得出来。道路比以前宽多了。

B:In the past,foreign businessmen always complained about the poor traffic in Shanghai.But now traffic in the city has improved greatly.We have several bridges over the Huangpu River and several tunnels under the river.We also have two tube lines and the Inner Ring Road,a main traffic route in the city.So it s now very convenient to go from Pudong to the other parts west of the River.We are now on Century Avenue,one of the main traffic routes in the Pudong New Area.过去,外国商人总是抱怨上海的交通糟糕。但如今上海的交通已有了很大的改善。我们在黄浦江上修建了几座桥,水下挖了好几条遂道。我们还修建了两条地铁线,一条城市的主要交通干道——内环线。因此,现在从浦东到浦西的其他地区是很方便的。我们现在在世纪大道上,它是浦东新区的主要干道之一。

A:It s really beautiful along the avenue.大道两旁真是漂亮。

B:Look at the building with three big globe like things ahead of us.That s the Oriental Pearl TV and Radio Tower.And that silver tall building is the Jinmao Tower.请看我们前方那幢有着3个巨大球体的建筑,那是东方明珠广播电视塔。那幢高高的银色建筑是金贸大厦。


B:From the Peace Hotel,you can have a good view of the two buildings.And the hotel is about two minutes walk to the Bund.从和平饭店您可以很好地观赏这两大建筑。饭店离外滩只有2分钟的路程。

A:That s great.I can take a walk along the Bund.太好了。我可以在外滩散步。

B:Here we are at the hotel.Let s be off.我们到了。下车吧。

A:Is there anything more I can do for you?还有什么需要我效劳的吗?

B:No,thanks.You have been very considerate.没有了,谢谢。您已经考虑得很周到了。

A:Then I ll have to say goodbye to you.Have a good rest,Mr.Johnson.I ll get in touch with you tomorrow.那我就要与您说再见了。好好休息一下,约翰逊先生。我明天再与您联系。

B:Thank you.See you later.谢谢。再见。

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