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A:I ve logged in the BBS,but it s difficult to operate,and a bit like the DOS system.我登录过BBS,但是太难操作!有点像DOS系统。

B:That s true of the traditional BBS,but it s completely different now.传统的BBS是那样,可现在不同了。

A:Is it easy to operate the current BBS?现在的BBS操作简单吗?

B:Yes.We can use the browser,and operate with the mouse click.是的。我们可以使用浏览器,用鼠标点击操作。

A:But the web page is still tedious.可网页还是很单调呀!

B:The current BBS is excellent in both pictures and words,called as a virtual community.现在的BBS可以达到图文并茂的效果,被称做“虚拟社区”。

A:Can I input the web address into the address column if I want to get into the Web site?进入这种网站也要从地址栏输入地址吗?

B:Right.You may try inputting http://xxx.net.cn.对。你试着输入http://xxx.net.cn。

A:The header page is the same as that of the traditional BBS.首页与传统的BBS相同。

B:The visitor can only read and the enter is effective to netizens who have registered.“游客”只能阅读文章,“进入”只对已注册的网民有效。

A:I am registering.我现在就注册。

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