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(At the airport)

Jones:Excuse me,Sir,are you Mr.Richards?

Richards:Yes,I am.And you must be Jones?

Jones:Right.I am here to pick you up.Will you be needing a trolley for your luggage?

Richards:Thank you very much!Is there any money exchange service and mobile phone service center at the airport?

Jones:Yes,there is.But I suggest that you exchange money and buy some SIM cards downtown.It will be more convenient and you will have more choices.

Richards:OK,that will be fine.I will do it later.

Jones:Shall we go now?You have all your luggage and belongings with you?I’ve got a car waiting outside to take us to the hotel.


Jones:How was your flight?

Richards:You know,the flight has been delayed for 4 hours.It’s quite boring to stay at the airport waiting to board.

Jones:I can understand that.But it is not too bad since you do not need to catch another flight,otherwise you may be in trouble.


Jones:Did you declare anything at Customs?

Richards:No,I did not.

Jones:Are you tired after the long trip?

Richards:A little bit.Don’t worry;I always have jet-lag.

Jones:All right.Maybe 30 minutes later,you could have a rest at the hotel.It is not far away from here.And on the way there,you may have a look at the city.You will feel better then.

Richards:I hope so.Thank you!

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