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Tailor:Good morning.What can I do for you?

Lucy:I’d like to have a winter suit made,please.

Tailor:No problem.Our workmanship is the best in the city.

Lucy:What’s your charge for the tailoring?

Tailor:Our usual price for tailoring is 200 yuan including coat and trousers.

Lucy:All right,I’d like something of good quality.Please give me some recommendations.

Tailor:Er……Let me see,woolen fabric is ideal for winter wear.It wears well and keeps its shape.

Lucy:Sounds good.I’d like to make a suit of this material.Would you show me some patterns?

Tailor:There are some samples in the show window.You can choose which your favorite is.

Lucy:I like this style,but please don’t make it too loose.I want it a bit close around the waist.

Tailor:OK.Is the suit to be single or double breasted?

Lucy:Please make it single breasted.

Tailor:Can I take your measurements?

Lucy:Of course.When will it be ready for trying on?

Tailor:You can come for a fitting a week later.

Lucy:All right.

Tailor:Please wait a moment;I’ll make out your receipt.Here’s your receipt.


(One week later)

Tailor:Good morning.May I help you?

Lucy:Can I try my suit on?

Tailor:Sure.The fitting-room is over there.Please try it on.……

Lucy:I think it’s a little too tight around the waist.Can you let it out a little?

Tailor:All right,we’ll see to it.

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