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Mr. Lee:I’d like a double room.

Clerk:Do you have a reservation?

Mr. Lee: Yes. I called you last week from New York. My name is George Lee.

Clerk: Wait a second, please. (She checks the computer.)Yes, Mr. Lee, we have a room reserved for you. How long do you plan to stay?

Mr. Lee: Probably two days. My wife will join me tomorrow. Then we’ll decide when to leave for Seattle.

Clerk: Would you sign the register, please?

Mr. Lee: By the way, does my room come with a private bath?

Clerk: Certainly. Every room in this hotel has a private bath.

Mr. Lee: Does my room have twin beds or a double? I prefer a room with twin beds.

Clerk: Your room has twin beds, Mr. Lee. It also has a view. I’m sure you’ll like it. This is your key. It’s on the eighth floor, room 801. The elevator is over there.

Mr. Lee: Thank you. One more thing, where is your restaurant?

Clerk: The restaurant is on the second floor. We also have a cafeteria on the top floor. If you would like something to drink, you can either call room service or come down here. The bar is right behind the lobby.

Mr. Lee: Thank you. You’re very kind.

Clerk:You’re welcome.



李先生: 订了。我上星期从纽约打电话来订的。我叫乔治·李。

店员: 请稍等。(她查了一下电脑。)是的,李先生,我们为您预留了一个房间。您打算在这里住多久呢?

李先生: 可能是两天。我的太太明天会来这里和我会合。然后我们再决定什么时候起身去西雅图。


李先生: 顺便问一句,我的房间里有独立的浴室吗?

店员: 当然有了。这个饭店里的每个房间都有独立浴室。

李先生: 我房间里是两张单人床还是一张双人床?我更喜欢两张单人床的。

店员: 您的房间里是两张单人床,李先生。而且可以看到外面的景色,我肯定您会喜欢的。这是您的钥匙。在八楼,801房间。电梯在那边。

李先生: 谢谢。还有一件事,餐厅在哪里?

店员: 餐厅在二楼,我们在顶层还有一个自助餐厅。如果您想喝点什么,您可以叫客房服务或自己下来。酒吧就在大厅的后面。



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