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O=Operator (接线员) G=Guest (宾客)

O: Room service. How may I help you?客房服务。我可以怎样帮助你?

G: Good evening. This is room 678. I'm Bob Black.晚上好。这是678号房。我是鲍勃·布莱克。

O: Yes, sir?是的,先生?

G: I wonder if you could do me a favor.我想知道你是否可以帮我一个忙。

O: I'll be happy to, if I can, Mr. Black.我很乐意,如果我可以,布莱克先生。

G: Can you please give me a wake-up call at six, tomorrow morning?明天早上六点请给我一个叫醒电话好吗?

O: I certainly can.我当然可以。

G: Thank you. Do you provide breakfast that early?谢谢你。你们可以那么早提供早餐吗?

O: Yes, sir. You can have your breakfast either in your room or at the breakfast buffet.是的,先生。你可以在你的房间或在自助餐厅吃早餐。

G: Good. Another thing, I need an extra blanket for the night.好的。另一件事,我需要一个额外的毯子过夜。

O: That's no problem, Mr. Black. I'll send one up right away.没问题,布莱克先生。我将立刻给您送。

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