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C=Clerk (店员) G=Guest (宾客)

G: Excuse me. Can I buy Chinese yuan with American dollars?请问我可以用美元兑换人民币吗?

C: Certainly. What's the amount you want to change?当然可以。您要换多少?

G: 200 US dollars.200美元。

C: Please fill in the exchange memo and show me your passport.请填写兑换单,出示您的护照。

G: Is that all right?这样行吗?

C: Well. Remember to sign your name on the memo.噢。别忘了在兑换单上签名。

G: Here you are.给您。

C: Here is the money, and also your passport and exchange memo. Please check it.给您钱,还有护照和兑换单。请核点一下。

G: It's right.没错。

C: By the way, keep your exchange memo safe. You may convert the unused RMB back into foreign currency when you leave China.顺便提一下,保管好您的兑换单,离开中国时您可以把未用完的人民币兑换回外币。

G: I see. Thanks for the information.我明白了。谢谢您提醒。

C: Not at all.不客气。

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