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A: I can t help feeling sad at leaving any old friends. We shall miss you terribly.

A: 同老朋友告别我感到难过。我们将非常想念你。

B: How kind of you to come to see me off. Thank you for the help you ve rendered me during my stay here.

B: 你来送我,真是太客气了。谢谢你在我逗留期间所给予的帮助。

A: You are welcome. It has been a pleasure to be with you.

A: 不客气,和你在一起是一件愉快的事。

B: I ll never forget the hospitality I have received during my stay in your country. Everything here has left a deep impression on my mind.

B: 我永远不会忘记在贵国期间所受到的款待。这里的一切都给我留下了深刻的印象。

A: Please accept this little present as a souvenir from me. Give my best regards to your family.

A: 请接受我这个小礼物留作纪念。请向你全家转达我衷心的问候。

B: Thanks. May we meet again some day.

B: 谢谢,但愿我们后会有期。

A: Goodbye, I wish you a pleasant journey.

A: 再见,祝你旅途愉快。

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