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A: Would you like to have some ice cream? I ve got a variety of flavors for you to choose from. I ve got strawberry, peach, chocolate, coffee, vanilla.

A: 想来点冰激凌吗? 有很多口味你可以选。草莓的, 桃子的, 巧克力的, 咖啡, 香草。

B: Wow! What choices you have! I wish I could, but I just can t. I m on a diet to lose weight.

B: 哇! 种类真多! 真希望我能吃。但是我不能吃那个,我真在减肥。

A: Come on, it s just a bite. It doesn t really hurt to have just a bite.

A: 来嘛, 少吃点。少吃点不会有什么大碍的。

B: I d better not. Please don t tempt me. Please!

B: 比较好不要。别引诱我。求求你!

A: Gee! You are really strong willed.

A: 哎!你真是有毅力!

B: You re right. I m not so easily coaxed into doing something that I think it is wrong.

B: 你太对了。如果我认为是错误的话,我是很难去做的。

A: Well, I d better not tempt you. Otherwise, you will blame me if you put on weight.

A: 哦,我就不引诱你了。否则,你增了体重一定会怪我的。

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