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A: I m really concerned about Jason. His snoring is getting worse and worse.

A: 我很关心詹森。他打鼾越来越厉害了。

B: Maybe he needs to go see a doctor. I heard that sometimes a bad snore can cause heart failure because not enough oxygen gets to the brain.

B: 或许他应该去看医生了。我听说由于大脑缺氧,厉害的打鼾能引起心脏病。

A: That s what I m worried about. Sometimes it even seems like he stops breathing and I have to give him a push to make him start again.

A: 这正是我担心的。有时候好像他停止呼吸了,我不得不推一下他让他继续呼吸。

B: I remember one of my friends father had the same problem. The doctor said it was sleep apnea.

B: 我记得我一个朋友的父亲也有这个问题。医生说这是睡眠呼吸暂停。



B: Yes. Her dad had to get a pacemaker put in so that his heart wouldn t stop in the middle of the night.

B: 是的,结果她的父亲不得不安装一个起搏器让他的心脏不至于在午夜停止跳动。

A: You re kidding me! That is so serious!

A: 你在开玩笑吧! 这么严重!

B: Yes, that s serious.

B: 是的, 很严重。

A: That s it! I m making an appointment for Jason to see the doctor this afternoon. We can t let this go any longer.

A: 我得给詹森预约今天下午去看一下医生。我不能让他再这么继续下去。

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