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A: Good morning, Mr. Gao.

A: 早上好,高先生。

B: Good morning.

B: 早上好。

A: If you are ready, we ll start the tour of the hotel now.

A: 如果您准备好了,我们便可以参观了。

B: OK.

B: 好的。

A: First, let s start with the business center. Come this way, please let me tell you about the facilities that are available here.

A: 首先我们先参观一下商业中心。请这边走,让我给您介绍一下关于这的一些设备。

B: Very good. Besides, could you also tell me about the other facilities available in the hotel?

B: 好极了。此外您能告诉我宾馆里其他设备的用途吗?

A: Well, there is a mall on the third floor which sells local and international goods. In the basements there are extensive recreation facilities, including a swimming pool, fitness center and squash courts. As for the entertainment, there are several restaurants, a disco and karaoke rooms.

A: 当然。在三楼有一个购物商场,商场里卖一些本地的商品和国外的一些商品。在地下室有完备的娱乐设施,包括一个游泳池,一个健身中心和壁球场。至于消遣,这有几家餐馆,一家舞厅和几个自唱厅。

B: OK. I think that I know everything I want indeed. Thank you very much for your help.

B: 好的。我想我都清楚了,非常感谢你的帮助。

A: It is my pleasure. I hope you to return in the future. Goodbye, Mr. Gao.

A: 没关系。我希望在不久的将来能再次迎接您的到来。再见,高先生。

B: Goodbye.

B: 再见。

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