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A: What's the matter, madam? You look pale.怎么啦,女士?您看起来脸色苍白。

T: I feel dizzy and weak. And I'm having this pain in my ear.我感觉头晕,也没有力气。耳朵也有点疼。

A: Are you often traveling by plane?您经常坐飞机吗?

T: No, this is the second time.不,这是第二次。

A: It's normal if you don't often take the plane. Just relax.如果您不是经常乘飞机这就是正常的。放松点就好了。

T: Why this happens to me when I am on the plane? I feel bad.为什么在飞机上会有这种感觉?我感觉很难受。

A: Don't worry, madam. It's because of the lower air pressure.不用担心,女士。只是因为气压较低。

T: What should I do?那我该怎么做呢?

A: You may feel much better if you chew a gum.如果嚼点口香糖会感觉舒服些。

T: OK, thanks. Does it work really? I'll give it a try.好的。谢谢。真的有用吗?我来试试。

A: Are you feeling better now? Do you need some pills?感觉好些了吗?需要晕机药吗?

T: Much better. Thank you.好多了,谢谢。

A: You are welcome. Please press the button when you need any help.不客气。如果需要什么帮助,请按按钮。

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