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Patient:(To the nurse)Excuse me, where do I queue up to register?(对护士)劳驾,我挂号该排哪一队?

Nurse:That is the line for new patients(pointing to line). The registration fee will be 1 Yuan. Pay over there, and they will give you a registration card.Fill it in and bring it back to me.(The patient queues up, and shortly reaches the window.After getting a card and filling it in, the patient takes it back to the desk.)初诊病人站那条队(用手一指)。挂号费1元。排到那边后付款,他们会给你一张挂号卡。填写完后交到这儿。(病人站到队中,很快便到了窗口。病人得卡后填写完毕,拿着它回到了预检台。)

Nurse:What's the problem?哪不舒服?

Patient:Since this morning I've had high temperature, and I feel generally wretched.上午起,我发起了高烧,浑身疲乏无力。

Nurse:In that case, you'd better go to the Medical Department.像你这样的情况,还是去看看内科吧。

Patient:Which way do I go?谢谢,去内科怎么走?

Nurse:Go up to the second floor, and you'll see it sign-posted to the right. Give the doctor your registration card.上了二楼,右边挂有内科的牌子。把挂号卡给医生就行了。

Patient:Is it very busy?内科病人多不多?

Nurse:Normally yes, but today you are lucky.往日很多,可今天却不多。

Patient:Oh, good. Thank you.(The patient goes to the second floor)噢,太好了,谢谢。(病人朝二楼走去。)

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