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A:Good morning. I want a room tonight.早上好。今晚我想要一个房间。

B:Single or double?单人房间还是双人的?

A:Single, please.请给我单人的。

B:Do you have a reservation?您预定了吗?

A:Yes, I made a reservation in Shanghai.是的,我在上海订的。

B:Then, I believe you have a conformation slip.那么,您有预约确认券吧。

A:Yes. Let me see.Is this the one you want?哦,我看看。这个就是吗?

B:Yes, that's it. What's your name, please?是的,就是这个。请问您的姓名是?

A:Wumei is my name.吴美。

B:Just a moment, please. Yes, we have a room reservation for you.请稍等,是的,我们为您留了一个房间。

A:Is it a room with a bathroom?是带有浴室的房间吗?

B:Yes, it is.是的。

A:Can you give me a quiet room?能给我一个安静的房间吗?

B:Yes, it is an inside room on the eighth floor.好的,这是一个8楼内侧的房间。

A:What's the room rate?房间的费用是多少?

B:Eighty dollars a day. How long do you plan to stay, Mr.Wu?一天80美元。您打算住多久呢?

A:Three nights as scheduled.如预定中的3晚。

B:Will you sign the register, please?请在登记表上签名好吗?

A:Is that right?这样可以了吗?

B:Thank you, Mr. Wu.Your room number is 827.The bellboy will take your bags and show you to your room.谢谢您。您的房间号是827。服务员会帮您提行李,并带您到您的房间去。


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