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John Christopher “Johnny” Depp II is an American actor and musician known for his portrayals of offbeat, eccentric characters in a wide variety of dramas and fantasy films. He has won the Golden Globe Award and Screen Actors Guild award for major roles in recent films.

Depp rose to prominence on the 1980s television series 21 Jump Street, quickly becoming a teen idol. Turning to film, he played the title character of Edward Scissorhands (1990), and later found box office success in films such as Sleepy Hollow (1999), Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory(2005), and Rango (2011).

He has collaborated with director and close friend Tim Burton in seven films, the most recent of which are Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) and Alice in Wonderland (2010). Depp has gained acclaim for his portrayals of people such as Edward D. Wood, Jr., in Ed Wood, Joseph D. Pistone in Donnie Brasco, Hunter S. Thompson in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and George Jung in Blow. More recently, he portrayed the bank robber John Dillinger in Michael Mann’s 2009 film Public Enemies.

Films featuring Depp have grossed over $2.6 billion at the United States box office and over $6 billion worldwide. He has been nominated for top awards numerous times; he won the Best Actor Awards from the Golden Globes for his role in Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street and from the Screen Actors Guild for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.


Johnny Depp——被称作是“同时代最具才华的天才演员”,“上帝送给蒂姆·波顿的礼物”,拥有好莱坞最酷最百变的一张脸,世界上最美最酷最性感的男人之一。他在风靡全球的迪士尼大片《加勒比海盗》中以另类夸张却不失迷人本色的表演风格获得了观众和老师的好评,令难得重视喜剧表演的奥斯卡也给予了他当年奥斯卡最佳男主角的提名。之后他又出演了这部电影的续集,票房继续大热,德普那奇异的扮相和演技再次受到影迷的狂热追捧。

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