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This is a story of a doctor. Now he is in Canada. He is spending such a standard life there that his friends can’t imagine. We all want to top the class. We always wish to buy the more expensive and charming dress for ourselves. We wish to wear that type of shoes which to one else has worn. We dream to have the most expensive and attractive car in the whole city. We wish to spend the life with a beautiful partner also having children. Our effort is to give all facilities to our children and partner. We wish to have the standard job in our area and if we start any business so it gets success as soon as possible and we become famous in our area but the doctor was leading a simple life. He didn’t wish to top his class. His friends always struggled hard to top the class at any cost and for this purpose they made relations with their teachers just to get marks.

The doctor studies only for 2 to 3 hours. He always take full sleep even in the exam days. He said, “Just to top the class. I can’t leave my sleep.” Because of his this habit all of his friends laugh at him. But doctor was happy on his life style and at his average marks he did M.B.B.S and became a doctor. His friends struggle for specialization. He was appointed in a hospital as a physician. And he started spending his life on that income very difficulty took his friends to lunch. In the evening he went outside for a walk. He read books, got knowledge about Islam.

His friends or if any patient used to come in his spare time he used to treat them free. He never thought to increase his income. He was an honest man. He liked the moderate life. He had a small house. There was on an A.C at his home and a small refrigerator. He usually traveled by motorcycle. And he considered this enough for spending a happy life. When he was going to marry he still followed the moderate way. All of his friends were struggling to marry a rich girl. The doctor got married with a girl and they started a happy life in that small house. After two years he had two children. When they grew up he admitted them in an ordinary school. As the doctor did not do private job so in that spare time he used to teach his children. They were also having the same thinking his father had, he didn’t advised his children to top class but just gave them the lesson of honesty and trust in ALLAH. His children were also happy because after coming from school they ate lunch, watched TV and walked with his father in the evening. The story will not go more at this routine. One day the doctor was reading a newspaper in which there was a job for physician in Canada. But where the job was offered that area of Canada was not famous. That’s why no one wanted to apply but as the doctor was living a moderate life so it was easy for him to live there. He applied there for the job. He was the first doctor at that time in that area. The people and rules of that area were impressed from him of they made him the in charge of that hospital so he earned more money there.

The government gave him 2,000 acre land there. He made a farm there and that farm became the way of his success. In few months he became the rich person of his area. And now he is having the most expensive car, home even helicopter. But still he likes the moderated life style where there is peace and calm. Till now he has the same routine of taking rest in the noon, go for walk with his children. And his friends are still struggling for a peaceful life.

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