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《黑骏马》是由译林出版社出版的,作者是安娜·塞维尔(Anna Sewell)。下面小编为大家整理的黑骏马故事情节英文,希望对大家有用!


The master must have had some very important business to take care of, because he didn’t come back out until late into the afternoon. By this time, the wind was blowing even harder than before, and there were many more pools of water in the road now.I was doing well at keeping a good speed when suddenly there was a loud breaking sound and then right in front of me a huge tree fell onto the middle of the road, blocking our way. John got off the wagon to see if he could move it, but it was too large.“Sir, we’re going to have to go another, longer way to the bridge. It’s going to take us six miles out of our way.”The squire told John to do what he thought was best. So, a while later, when we had reached the bridge, it was almost night. When I took a step onto the bridge I stopped immediately, feeling that something wasn’t right.“Go on, Beauty,” said the squire, trying to gently urge me forward with the whip. Seeing that I wasn’t going to move further, John jumped off the wagon.“What’s wrong, Beauty?”

I wanted so badly to speak to them, so they could understand that something was wrong with the bridge.A moment later the bridge-worker saw us and started running our way, yelling: “Don’t move! The bridge has a large hole in the center! You’ll get killed if you try to cross!”“Thank you so much, Beauty!” shouted my master.Much later that evening, we arrived back at Birtwick Park, where we found the gardener standing in the yard waiting.“Mrs. Gordon was so frightened, she ordered me to search for you.”“Well, go on now and tell her we’re all safe.” said the master. “Let’s go to the stables, Beauty.”

But we didn’t get very far, for suddenly Mrs. Gordon came running out the front door toward us.“I was so worried!” she cried. “Is everything OK?”“Thanks to Beauty, everything’s OK.” replied the squire.As a reward for doing such a good job, John gave me a special dinner with a few extra oats and he made an excellent bed for me that was so soft and comfortable, I fell asleep as soon as I lay down.

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