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Sean is a small boy; he had big fluffy eyebrows.

One day, it was very very windy.It was so windy that Sean's eyebrows blew off! They blew far away.Then a bird caught them.The bird used Sean's eyebrows to make her nest softer.A few days later the eggs hatched.Sean saw his eyebrows in the nest.He waited until the mother bird was out of sight.He climbed the tree and took his eyebrows.Sean was upset to see that his eyebrows were covered in smelly baby bird poop.

Sean ran as fast as he could to the Laundromat where he put his eyebrows in the washing machine.Then he put them in the dryer.When he took them out he found very tiny eyebrows.They had shrunk.He tried the little eyebrows on.It's too small! Too small to do anything!

Then Sean had an idea.He put his eyebrows in a jar for safekeeping while he ran.Sean tied the brows together and then to a doorknob.Sean pulled and stretched the eyebrows.Then he tied them to the end of his bicycle.Sean rode away quickly, stretching the eyebrows! Sean hopped off the bike and began collecting the long, stretched-out eyebrows.Sean's eyebrows were very very very long.“Now what will I do? ”

“I have an idea! ”He worked all night.The next day he wore his creation!An eyebrow hat! Everyone was jealous of Sean's eyebrow hat.“I want one! ”“Cool hat, Sean.”they say.This also gave Sean an idea.Sean started a business making eyebrow hats.Sean made lots of money, which he used to buy lots of bird seed.

Sean still had no eyebrows, but he was very happy.









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