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In the picture,we are amazed to find that the god of death is sitting maliciously on a bus whose driver dozed off while driving. It clearly tells us that in the domain of transportation, there are dangers everywhere should we become careless.

Traffic accidents have been a problem since the invention of automobiles, and are becoming an increasingly severe problem because of the boom of population, as well as the mass production of all kinds of automobiles. There are more reasons for this issue.Firstly, many truck drivers are forced to drive days and nights with little rest simply because their employers desire more profit. Secondly, a lot of citizens drive after drinking alcohol, reacting slowly when encountering emergency. Thirdly, quite a number of young people enjoy speed, but their limited driving skills frequently lead to tragedies.

Judging from the analysis above,we may safely come to the conclusion that the daunting problem demands effective counter-measures. Most importantly, the government needs to implement relevant laws and regulations in order to strengthen inspection. In addition, all residents should be aware of the hidden dangers in transportation and on the alert whenever driving.





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