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The cartoon displays a very special and thought-provoking soccer game: the four goals are kept by an old man's three sons and one daughter, while the old man himself becomes the ball, being kicked among the four corners by his "beloved" children. It is clearly indicated that none of them is willing to spare a tiny portion of time and money to repay their old father who had raised them.

Through the artistic presentation,we can be easily reminded of a popular phenomenon in today's society, that is, disrespect towards elders and shirking of the responsibility of nursing aging parents. The boosting economic development in China sadly witnesses a deterioration of the public awareness of filial duty, which had taken an indispensable position in traditional Chinese values for thousands of years. However, as the society grows more benefit-oriented, the once unbroken bond between parents and children is fundamentally shaken and begins to collapse.

From my point of view,the trend goes quite against the genuine and original purpose of our pursuit of wealth and welfare, that is, to shape a rich life both materially and mentally. Thinking of the love we received from our parents when swaggering babies, we must realize that repaying parents with a happy life with financial and psychological support is not only a duty that should not be shrugged off, but a key element to achieve a harmonious society.





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