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Formal 正式的

1.I really must apologize for...我真得为……道歉。

2.I am sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you.我对由此给您带来的麻烦表示歉意。

3.I would like to express my apologies for...我要为……表达我的歉意。

4.It is with great regret that...非常抱歉,……

5.I regret that I have caused you...我为给你造成的……道歉。

6.I hope you will forgive me for...我希望你能就……之事原谅我。

7.I am writing to apologize for...我为……之事写信道歉。

8.I am writing to express my apology for...我为……之事特此写信表达歉意。

9.Please accept my apology for...请接受我就……之事的道歉。

10.My apologies for not being able to...我为未能……道歉。

Informal 非正式的

1.I am so sorry...非常抱歉……

2.I really feel bad about... ……我真的觉得对不起。

3.I'm sorry I couldn't...对不起,我没能……

4.I'm sorry for...对不起,……

5.I apologize for...我为……道歉。

6.I am really sorry...真对不起,……

7.I really didn't mean to offend you when I...当我……,我真的不是故意要冒犯你。

8.Sorry for the...对不起,……

9.Sorry mate.对不住,哥们儿。主题:道歉

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