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1.Thank you for your request for a new...谢谢你提出更换一台新……的请求。

2.We have approved your request for a replacement...我们已经批准了你要更换……的申请。

3.We have agreed to your request for a new...我们已经同意了你提出的更换一台新……的请求。

4.We have examined your request for a new...我们已经审核了你关于新……的要求。

5.I have looked into this matter and agree with you that our present one is no longer economical.我已经研究过这个问题了,我同意你的意见,我们现在的这个……成本太高了。

6.Therefore, I have ordered the Canon ZX123 which was one of the models you suggested.因此,我订购了佳能ZX123,这是你建议购买的型号之一。

7.We have placed an order for a new... and hopefully it will be delivered soon. 我们已经订购了一个新的……,并且有望很快收到。

8.It should be delivered and in operation by the end of the month.它应该在本月底之前送到并投入使用。

9.I am sure that this new purchase will help to create a better working environment.我敢肯定这次新添置的设施能够帮助我们营造一个更好的工作环境。

10.Thank you again for your suggestion and I hope the new machine will help improve your working efficiency.再次感谢你的意见,我想这台新设备将会提高你们的工作效率。

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