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C: Can you make me look like the model in this magazine你能帮我弄得像这本杂志的模特儿一样吗?

S: That's really very short. Are you sure you want to cut that much of your hair?那真的是很三,您确定要剪掉那么多头发吗?

C: Yes. It's in fashipon right now. but you can leave a little bit more on the bangs.是的,现在正在流行呢,但你可以在浏海部分多留一点。

S: O. K. if that's your wish.好的,如果您希望那样的话。

C: Thank you.谢谢。

S: It's all done.都弄好了。

C: Can you give me a mirror so I can look at my back?你可以给我面镜子让我看看后面的头发吗?

S: We have it here.在这里。

C: It's just the way I want it. How much do Iowe you?这正是我要的样子,要付多少钱?

S: It's six hundred for everything.一共六百元。

C: here you go. You can keep the rest for yourself.拿去吧,剩下的不有找了。



C: Can you do something for my hair?I want to havea new look. I'm tired of old hairstyle?你能帮我做一下头吗?我想看起来焕然一新,我已经厌倦旧发型了。

S: We can xut your hair up to your shoulders and then I'll give you the frizzy look.我们可以把你的头发剪到平肩膀,然后烫起来。

C: Well,will that teally look nice on me?嗯这以我来说,真的好看吗?

S: Yes. I's sure you'll get osme heads turning.是的,我保证您会引人注目的。

C: Go ahead then.那就这么办吧。

S: You hae a beauteful head of hair. It's so lush and gealthy.您的头发很美,又多又健康。

C: Yes,a lot of people say that. That's one of my assets. While you're at it ,can you have someone to manicre my fingernails?是的,很多人都这么说,这是我可贵的东西之一,当你弄头发的时候,可不可以让另一个来帮我修指甲?

S: We're all done.都好了。

C: You've done a great job. I really like it.做得真发我真的喜欢。

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