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Who and How to Take Care of the Seniors

There are growing eoncerning among the general Public about the issue of who and how to take eare of the seniors.Since China adopted one-ehild Policy,there has emerged a Problem ofhow to support the senlors.

There are two sides for everything,and the side-effeet of one一child Poliey has appeared.The child always has his wishes satisfied without difficulty.They lack the sense of caring for others and leaming to be independent of their parents.so they cannot support their aging parents in a way.

In order to solve this social Problem of taking eare of the seniors effectively.the following suggestions should be taken into consideration:on one hand,young adults should sPend more time withthe seniors,doing family work and chatting over favorite topics as well as providing finaneial support for them.on the other hand,the govemments should provide more finaneial help for the constrution of more senior care centers in order to lessen the burden of the young generation.

As far as I am concerned,I view taking care of the seniors as one of the traditional virtues in China.Under no circumstance should we ignore the importance of taking care of the seniors and providing a comfortable condition for them.Only by doing so can we build a harmonious society.

标签:如何照顾老年人英语范文 如何照顾老年人英语范文

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