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雅思口语part2满分范文:Describe a street that you know

You should say:

Where is it located

What you like to do there

And explain why you like it


Speaking of the street I like to visit, I would talk about the most famous street in my city - the Lantern Lane. It's a street with a history of more than three hundred years, so the whole lane is an exciting collision of traditional eastern culture and modern western culture. A large number of fancy restaurant, bars and boutiques have sprouted along the two sides of the lane. The lane got the name Lantern' mainly because there are two lanterns hung high on the outside of each traditional building. As sun sets, colourful bar lights flick on and red lanterns begin to glow, and the view is just fabulous. Every year, the lane attracts thousands of visitors with its unique scene. Visitors come here not only for the amazing night view, but also for experiencing the collision of eastern culture and western culture. Having a couple of drinks in a bar is super enjoyable. Some bars have roof terraces which allow customers to look out onto the old Bell Tower or down to the hustle and bustle of the street below. After having a drink in the bar, visitors can also visit the boutiques and pick the handmade crafts in boutiques. They can find a variety of Chinese traditional refreshments on this street, and some old-style toys bring most Chinese visitors back to their childhood. I think the best thing about Lantern Lane is that there are thousands of things you can do to have fun, and I’m not exaggerating, so I go there almost every weekend. Sometimes I would take my friends there and we could always have a lot of fun there.

You should say:

Where is it located

What buildings are there on the street

How often do you go on that street

and explain why you like to visit this street.


I would like to describe a street from my hometown where I spent a lot of time in my childhood and adolescence time. This street is called grace street (...say a name of a street you know about...) and it is at the back side of the high school we used to study at.

This is not a very wide street and since it is on the back side, people often avoid this road and take the main street. There are some 2-3 storied buildings there and one 7th storied building is situated beside this street. A large portion of the street-side is occupied by the high school and there is a pond, 2 lamp posts, one post office and 2 small tea stalls are situated beside this street.

I used to visit this street and spent time with my friends in my teenage time mostly. Since I now live in a different city I rarely visit this street. However, I go to this street sometimes with my friends whenever I visit my hometown. This is the place where I spend my time with my friends in the evening when I stay at my hometown. I go to my hometown 3-4 times in a year and visit this street each time I visit my hometown.

I like this street because I have so many memories related to this street. I still go there whenever I visit my town. And this very street where I used to spend some of my golden periods reminds me my old time there. Being there with my friends sometimes reminds me things I used to do there and how precious the time was. For these reasons, I like this street very much.



I want to tell you an advertisement about a health product called Naobaijin. It’s such a famous advertisement that almost everybody in China can recite the lines of the advertisement.

The advertisement is very simple. An old couple tell us that they don’t need any gift for the spring festival but naobaijin. It has been showed on TV year after year, especially during the Spring Festival. In China, young people are supposed to buy presents for the older generation during Chinese New Year, but they usually don’t have many good choices except cigarette and wine. These are not good for their health. Because Naobaijin is a very healthy gift for older people, so it becomes popular. You would see it everywhere from newspapers to internet.

A lot of people might feel tired of it, but I think it is a successful advertisement although it is not creative. It’s simple to remember so everybody knows this product now. It has drawn our attentions successfully and brought fortune to the manufacturer.

问题: What features(特点)do you think a successful shopping center must acquire?

答案: In my opinion, a successful shopping center must, in the first place, be clear about what sort of customers they need to attract------does it focus on customers of a certain category(种类), for example, sports lovers or old people? Or does it want to attract the general public? With this in mind, a shopping center can then import the correct goods to sell.


Also, the shopping place needs to be well furnished, equipped with adequate(足够的) facilities(设备), such as comfortable air-conditioning and spacious(宽敞的), easily accessible(接近) lifts. I don’t think anybody would like to shop at a construction(建筑物) site!


Then, the commodities(商品) the shopping center sells should be both modest in price and high in quality. Everybody likes things that are nice and cheap.


Last but not least, the service in a shopping center should be enhanced in order to attract more customers. Shop-assistants must be friendly to customers and willing to serve them well. There are picky shoppers who find fault with everything and can’t make up their minds. A shop-assistant then, must be patient with them

instead of being annoyed, and should try his best to satisfy the customers’ needs and help them choose what fits them best.





Can you swim?

No, I can't. I hate to get water in my ears and nose.

Do you like swimming?

Yes, I am crazy about swimming especially butterfly stroke and breaststroke. I believe swimming can help me build up my body and makes me keep a trim figure.

Have you ever tried to learn to swim?

Not yet. Although I want to learn I know absolutely nothing about swimming. No floating, no doggie paddle, I can't even kick the right way. It's hard for me to get a start.

Did you learn to swim when you were a child?

Yes, I did. But it isn't the regular swimming stroke like butterfly stroke. It's doggy-paddling.

Who taught you to swim?

My dad threw me into the swimming pool when I was five. I caught on pretty quickly with the water wings. Then, I took swimming lesson. I learned professional swimming stroke from the lifeguard.

How did you learn to swim?

As I remember, my uncle took me to take a swimming course when I was 10 years old. During that 15-day course, the instructor taught us swimming from ABC. We need to practice holding breath under water and floating on the water surface as the first step. On the last day, we had a small test of swimming across the pool to demonstrate our real capability. It was great fun.

Where do people go swimming in your hometown?

In Wuhan, people mostly go to public swimming pools if they want to swim. Some of these facilities are pretty affordable. Also some communities have their own swimming pool, and this is truly convenient for residents living there. Then the last choice would be the Yangtze River. Even though this is not so clean and a little risky at the same time, many people actually swim there, coz after all you have to pay nothing for it.

Is swimming very popular in China?

It's popular in china. Many communities have their own swimming pool and swimming club.

Why do many people like swimming?

Swimming has been recognized as an aerobic exercise which is good for building your aerobic system. Swimming is physically demanding but it won't give you strong muscle but beautiful figure.

What do you think are the benefits of swimming?

I feel swimming is quite necessary to learn not only as a way of exercise but also as a life-saving skill. Clearly, swimming is an all-round exercise to keep us in good shape. And in some special cases, people who know how to swim would be more likely to survive. Also you can't forget how much fun you can get from swimming itself. So swimming is definitely something deserves learning.

How do children learn to swim?

For children, there are mainly two ways to learn swimming. One is attending some swimming course and the other is instructed by parents. Formal classes would be more professional but you need to pay extra money. However, learning from family cost you almost nothing and the time is rather flexible as well.

Do you prefer to swim in the sea or in a swimming pool?

If I had to choose, I'd favor swimming in a swimming pool because it is safer in the swimming pool but there are many uncertain factors in the sea. The swimming pool is much smaller and not so complex. Besides, there is at least one professional safety guard at the pool in case of any emergency.

Do you think it's good to have compulsory swimming lessons for children?

I think it should be taught in schools as part of the PE curriculum. Especially for kids in those island regions, it is important for kids to have basic swimming skills. When they find themselves in an emergency it can make a difference.

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