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通过研究近几年的雅思考题我们发现,无论是普通培训类还是学术类的写作,Task 2主要是以社会问题、家庭问题、教育问题、旅行娱乐为主,当然不排除今后出现其他类型问题的可能性。

Sample 2You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. You have to write a-bout the following topic.

In Canada,the average child between the ages of 6 and 15 watches spend more than 22 hours of television a wek,while only spendingabout 8 hours a week on physical exercise.

This is a worying situation,and parents have a duty to ensure theirchildren get enough exercise.

Do you agree or disagree?(广州英语培训学校

Give reasons for your answer.

You should write at least 250 words.

Sample Writing 2The statistics from Canada that suggest children spend far moretime watching television than taking physical exercise are a causefor concern,in part because they probably reflect the situation inmany countries today. Here in China,for example,there is a simi-lar trend,and I feel it is definitely up to the parents to do some-thing about it.

Chinese children leave school at about four-thirty in the after-noon,and usualy go to bed around nine-thirty. Out of those fivehours at home,perhaps half the time is spent eating and doinghomework. The other two and a half hours is often spent in front ofthe television set,either watching TV programmes or playing com-puter games. My niece,for example,is ten years old,and alreadyhas a colection of fifteen computer games packs,which she playsalmost every evening before she goes to bed.

Consequently,Chinese children are becoming noticeably over-weight. My niece is rather fat,and though she once wanted to learnbalet,she gave it up because any physical activity tired her. How-ever, her parents are now trying to encourage her to do more exer-cise. Now that the evenings are lighter and warmer, they go for ahalf hour walks with her every evening after supper and at the week-ends she has joined a swimming club. Her parents have promisedthat if she becomes fit enough,they wil take her for a trip to a fa-mous mountain in a neighboring province in the summer.

As the example above ilustrates,parents can and should beconcerned about their children's leisure habits. It is up to parents toensure that their children have “a healthy mind in a healthy body”。

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