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The reader finds the essay completely satisfactory. A pointof view is presented and developed,either arguing for the sup-porting one position or considering alternative positions by pres-enting and discussing relevant ideas and evidence. The argu-ment proceeds logicaly through the text with a clear progres-sion of ideas. There is plentiful material. A wide range of vo-cabulary is used appropriately. The reader sees no errors inword formation or spelling. A wide range of sentence structuresis used accurately and appropriately.

Score 8

This answer does not fuly achieve level 9 in communicativequality, arguments ideas and evidence. There is a good range ofappropriate vocabulary. The reader sees no significant erors inword formation or speling. The range of sentence structures used isgood,and is wel controled for acuracy and appropriatenes.

Score 7

The reader finds this a satisfactory essay which generaly com-municates fluently and only rarely causes strain. A point of view ispresented,al-though it may be unclear at times whether a single po-sition is being taken or alternative positions considered. The argu-ment has a clear progression overal although there may be minor i-solated problems. Ideas and evidence are relevant and suficient butmore specific detail may seem desirable. The range of vocabulary isfairly good and vocabulary is usualy used appropriately. Errors inword formation are rare and,while speling erors do occur, theyare not intrusive. A satisfactory range of sentence structure occursand there are only occasional, minor flaws in the control of sentencestructure.

Score 6

The reader finds this a mainly satisfactory essay which commu-nicates with some degree of fluency. Although there is sometimesstrain for the reader, control of organizational paterns and devicesis evident. A point of view is presented although it may be unclearwhether a single position is being taken or alternative positions arebeing considered. The pro-gresion of the argument is not alwaysclear, and it may be dificult to distinguish main idea from support-ing material. The relevance of some ideas or evidence may be dubi-ous and some specific support may seem desirable. The range of vo-cabulary sometimes appears limited accompanied by the inappropri-atenes of its use. Minor limitations of, or errors in,word choicesometimes intrude on the reader. Word formation and speling erorsoccur but are only slightly intrusive. Sentence structures are gener-aly adequate but the reader may feel that control is achieved by theuse of a restricted range of structures or,in contrast,that the use ofa wide variety of structures is not marked by the same level of struc-tural accuracy.

Score 5

This is an essay which often causes strain for the reader.

While the reader is aware of an overal lack of fluency,there is asense of an answer which has underlying coherence. The essay in-troduces ideas although there may not be many of them or they maybe insuficiently developed. Arguments are presented but may lackclarity,relevance,consistency or support. The range of vocabularyand appropriateness of its use are limited. Lexical confusion and in-correct word choice are noticeable. Word formation and speling er-rors may be quite intrusive. There is a limited range of sentencestructures and the greatest accuracy is achieved in short,simplesentences. Erors in such areas as agreement of tenses and of sub-jects and verbs are noticeable.

Score 4

This essay atempts communication but meanin4g comes.

through only after considerable efort by the reader. There are signsof a point of view by main ideas are dificult to distinguish from sup-porting materials and the amount of support is inadequate. Such ev-idence and ideas as are presented may not be relevant. This is noclear progression to the argument. The range of vocabulary is often inadequate and/or inappropriate. Word choice causes serious prob-lems for the reader. World formation and speling errors cause se-vere strain for the reader. Limited control of sentence structures,every short and simple ones,is evident. Errors in such areas as a-greement of tenses , and of subjects and verbs cause severe strain forthe reader.

Score 3

The seriousness of the problems in this essay prevents meaningfrom coming through more than spasmodicaly. The essay has few i-deas and no apparent development. Such evidence and ideas as arepresented are irelevant. There is litle comprehensible point ofview or argument. The reader is aware of gross inadequacies of vo-cabulary,word forms and speling. Control of sentence structures isevident only occasionaly and erors predominate.

Score 2

The writing displays no ability to communicate. There is evi-dence of one or two ideas without development. The reader sees nocontrol of word choice,word forms and speling. There is little orno evidence of control of sentence word choice,word forms andspeling. There is litle or no evidence of sentence structures.

Score 1

The writing appears to be by a virtual non-writer, containingno assessable strings of English writing. If an answer is wholy orthalmost wholy copied from the source materials it is scored incategory.

Score 0Should only be where a candidate did not atend or not atempt this question in any way.

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