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In some countries an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a result of eating too much fast food. It is therefore necessary for governments to impose a higher tax on this kind of food.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Model essay

The growth of the fast food industry has, without doubt, impacted on the eating habits and the health of many societies around the world. Diabetes, high cholesterol, heart and respiratory problems are all on the rise due to fatty and sugar-rich food. However, the question is whether higher tax would improve this situation or not.

From an economic point of view, higher tax might seem sensible. In countries such as the USA, Australia and Britain, the healthcare system spends a large part of its budget on people with diet-related health problems. It could be argued that these people have caused their own illnesses because of their choice of food. In this case, why would they expect the state to pay for their treatment? The tax would help fund the healthcare system.

However, we also need to consider which socio-economic group consumes fast food as the main part of their diet. Statistics indicate that lower income groups eat more of this food than wealthier people. One possible reason for this is that fast food is far cheaper than fresh produce. This is because many governments offer large subsidies to farmers who provide products for the fast food industry, such as corn, wheat and beef. Fruit and vegetables, on the other hand, are not subsidised. Research suggests that many families simply cannot afford to buy healthy food or pay higher taxes on fast food. For them, fast food is not a choice but a necessity.

In conclusion, imposing a higher tax on fast food does not seem to be the answer. If the government chose to do this, it would only lead to greater poverty and families facing further hardship.


特点一:范文回归考官范文的回归;从剑11-剑13中全部是考生作文,没有考官范文,官方当初解释是不想让学生太过于模仿考官作文。 而在剑桥14中考官范文又出现了。个人觉得考官范文是个很好的资源。好好利用对于提升写作有一些帮助。考生范文选取了中国考生期望值相当的分数段分别是2篇6分小作文;1篇6.5分,大作文则是1篇7分,一篇7.5分文章,一篇7分和一篇5.5。



2次双边讨论类(Discuss both views and give your opinion);

1次同意不同意(to what extend do you agree or disagree?) ;

1次混合题(分析原因和利弊)(What are the reasons and do the advantages outweigh disadvantages) ;


2次同意不同意(to what extend do you agree or disagree?)

1次双边讨论类;(discuss both views and give your opinion.)

1 次报告类(what are the reasons and what can be done about it.)



Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Children's education has long been our concern since Plato once uttered, "Education is where a country should start at." However, it is still a controversial issue after all these years among people who are particularly concerned about it. Some people believe that it is parents' responsibility to cultivate their kids to be fully aware of what a social being should look like; others, whereas, argue that schools should take over this for the ultimate goal. In this essay, I would put this issue in question and further analyse both sides before presenting my personal perspective.

On one hand, parents, as the first touchers of their kids, should tell them how to differentiate right from wrong. Given the time parents spend with their kids, they can be more likely to observe everyday change of their children. As a result of this, they are accountable for how their children normally behave in reality. More importantly, considering the fact that people according to their social being are usually placed into diverse norms, parents, as a family, as a part of community and as individuals in the society, should appropriately behave in action so as to deliver a message to their kids in which what should be respected and cherished in lives is highly highlighted.

On the other hand, academic institutions should take the responsibility for educating students to be entirely ready to enter the society. After leaving parents for schools, kids almost devote their most prime time at schools with their peels, their friends and their teachers; therefore, schools ought to put much emphasis on their growth as a person. Consequently, students could learn what they cannot acquire from home, such as communicative skills, understanding of various cultures etc.

From what was previously well stated, my point of view can be generated that parental education should be highly cooperated with formal education in the process of a child's growth. What contribute to a person to become an entity are interpersonal skills and intrapersonal qualities; however, as for the parental education and formal education, the ultimate goal of a person which is to be taught to be a proper member of society cannot be fulfilled without either one of these.

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