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Staying in good shape is everyone’s concern and I am no exception. To be honest, I have been so caught up in my study since I entered university that I have a problem in organizing my daily routine. However, I have been participating in a yoga class for about 2 years, which takes me only 1 hour a day, to try to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Unlike dancing or running, yoga definitely involves stretching actions. You might look at yoga and think that it is light and easy but it is more demanding than it appears. Yoga allows me to work on all the parts of my body. It can burn a lot of calories in just one hour of training. Also, it enhances my flexibility and suppleness in every single movement.

What I enjoy the most about yoga is meditation. It is all about regulating your breathing and helping you take things off your mind easily. Another thing is that doing yoga is supposed to be good for curing headaches and digestion-related problems, so it benefits not only physical well-being but also mental health.

By maintaining a schedule of taking part in the yoga class on a daily basis, I feel extremely relaxed and full of energy after the class. It helps me to keep fit refresh my mind after a long stressful day. And of course, I don’t see myself stopping practicing this activity any time soon.


Describe an activity (something) you do to keep fit(healthy)

You should say:

what it is

when you started it

whether you enjoy it

and explain why you think it can help you to keep fit




I'm going to describe a way that I do to keep fit, currently, which IS swimming. I used to swim a lot when I was younger, but I've recently taken it up again, and I go a couple of times a week now. I go swimming in a gym that I joined, which has a nice swimming pool. I tried going to my local public pool, but it was too busy and you couldn't really swim up and down in lanes there. So, I found a gym that has a pool, and it's usually quite empty, and I can have a lane to myself and swim up and down.

As I said, I do this hobby or activity alone. I don't go there with anyone; it's a solitary sport really, and I'm doing it for my own health reasons. Obviously, of course, there are other people in the pool when I'm there; sometimes you have to share a lane with another person or a couple of people. But, basically, I'm in there, focused, on my own, concentrating on my own swimming stroke and technique, and trying to improve my endurance and stamina as well.

And the reason I think this is a healthy sport... well, I think it’s widely accepted that swimming is really healthy. It’s a good ,it’s great cardiovascular exercise, it's a low-impact sport, so you're not expected to get any injuries as you might do if you were running, where there's impact on the joints with swimming you don't have that. So I think it's really good for the body, but it's also good for the mind. When I get into the swimming pool, as soon as I hit the water it clears my mind, I'm focused only on one thing, which is my stroke, my technique, the breathing - it makes you think about your breathing as well, which IS good. And I think it rejuvenates and reinvigorates you to be in the water. It's a really relaxing experience.


地道用词:taken it up(重操旧业)

public pool(当地的公泳池)

swim up and down in lanes(在泳道里自由发挥)

have a lane to myself(单独的泳道)

a solitary sport(一项孤独的运动)

share a lane(分享泳道)

concentrating on my own swimming stroke and technique (专注我自己的划水和游泳技术)

endurance and stamina(体力和耐力)

all-over body workout(全身运动)

cardiovascular exercise(锻炼心血管的功能)

impact on the joints(对关节有影响)

rejuvenates and reinvigorates(使人变得年轻有活力)

hit the water it clears my mind(—入水就能放松我的心情)


I used to swim a lot when I was younger, but I've recently taken it up again, and I go a couple of times a week now.

I tried going to my local public pool, but it was too busy and you couldn't really swim up and down in lanes there.

I found a gym that has a pool, and it's usually quite empty, and I can have a lane to myself and swim up and down.

Obviously, of course, there are other people in the pool when I'm there; sometimes you have to share a lane with another person or a couple of people.

It’s a good ,it’s great cardiovascular exercise, it's a low-impact sport, so you're not expected to get any injuries as you might do if you were running, where there's impact on the joints with swimming you don't have that.

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