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雅思口语第2部分怎么考?雅思口语的Part 2要求学生根据一个话题,准备1分钟后再进行2分钟的描述。很多学生对这个部分望而生畏,因为回答此部分时,很多学生往往“无话可说”。雅思口语第2部分怎么考呢?一起来看看!

雅思口语Part2 教你轻松展开话题

话题拓展 预热:抓重点。


试以People类型题中的family member为例(原题如下):

Describe a family member you spend most time with

You should say:

Who the person is

How long you have been together

What you do together

And explain why you'd like to spend time with this person.



话题拓展 话题句部分





Talking about(话题句关键词),I think of (答案关键词) at once.

或Speaking of (话题句关键词),the first coming into my mind is (答案关键词)



Describe a popular person you know (New)

You should say:

· Who he or she is

· What he or she did

· When you first knew him or her

· And explain why do you think he or she is popular

Describe a famous athlete you know (New)

You should say:

· Who the person is

· How you know him or her

· What he or she has achieved

· Why he is famous

Describe a business leader that you admire.

You should say:

· Who this person is

· How you got to know this person

· What skills he or she has for leadership

· And explain why you think he or she is a good leader

Describe someone who is a good parent.

You should say:

· Who the person is

· What kind of person he/she is

· Why you think he/she is good

· And explain how you felt about it


Describe a historical period in your country(New)

You should say:

· When was this

· What happened during this period

· Who played an important role during this period of time

· And explain why it was special/how you felt about it

Describe an important letter you received from someone(New)

You should say:

· When you received it

· Where/from who you received it

· And explain how you felt about it

Describe an occasion when someone visit your home(New)

You should say:

· Who this person was

· When it happened

· What you did together

· And explain how you felt about him or her visit

Describe an occasion you had to be polite(New)

You should say:

· What the occasion was

· Where it was

· Who was with you

· And explain why you had to be polite

Describe a memorable story told by someone(New)

You should say:

· What it is

· Who told you about it

· When he/she told you

· And explain why it was impressive/how you felt about it

Describe a special day that you went out but didn’t spend much money(New)

You should say:

· When and where this happened

· What you did

· Who you were with

· And explain why it was special/how you felt about it

Describe a time you saved money for something(New)

You should say:

· When and where this happened

· What you did

· Who you were with

· And explain why it was special/how you felt about it

Describe a car journey you went on

You should say:

· Where you went

· What you did at this place

· Who you went there with

· And explain why you went on that journey by car

Describe an activity you do to keep fit

You should say:

· What you do

· When, where you usually do it

· How you do it

· And explain why it can keep you fit

Describe an experience that you taught something.

You should say:

· When and where it happened

· Whom you taught

· What you taught him/her

· And explain how the person felt about it

Describe an occasion you helped someone.

You should say:

· When and where it happened

· Whom you helped

· What you did

· And explain how you felt about it

Describe a time that you needed to bring the cell phone.

You should say:

· When and where it happened

· Why you needed to bring the cellphone

· What you did

· And explain how you felt about it

Describe an achievement that you are proud of.

You should say:

· What achievement you have

· How you made it

· What difficulty you have had

· And explain why you are proud of


雅思口语考试的第二部分Part 2要发挥好必须注意以下几个要点:

1. 充分利用一分钟的准备时间。考生在一分钟的准备时间里要尽量多地写下关键词。因为大多数考生在口语考试第二部分经常会由于紧张而突然没有思路,在60秒之内写下8~10个关键词有助于考生在答题过程中理清思路。

2. 完全回答答题卡上的四个问题,说满两分钟的答题时间。考官看一个考生的思路主要是看这个考生能否遵照考试指令完成问题,并且有条理、有逻辑地回答完这些问题。

大家来看一个考生应考Part 2的时候所做的笔记就可以看出他是如何做出完美的笔记并且完整回答4个指令问题的。


Describe your favorite gift.

You should say:

What the gift was.

When and where you got it.

What it was like.

And explain why it was your favorite gift.


Gift purse

When/ where last month, birthday

What it was like color – grey

material – fine, soft leather

brand – Gucci

pockets on outside

deep pocket inside

Feeling amazed, excited

Why favorite needed a new purse, so beautiful


3. 跟Part 1一样,Part 2也是有固定的话题题库的,但是第二部分的话题总量达到180个之多!考生不可能把这些话题都一一准备,所以我把口语考试Part 2的话题归为以下五类:

Describing People (描述人物)

Describing Places (描述地点)

Describing Objects (描述具体物件)

Describing Events & Moments (描述事件)

Describing Activities (描述活动)

每个类别分别准备三到四个相关主题就足以应付雅思口语考试Part 2的所有话题了。


A Person Who Has Visited Your Home 一个来过你家做客的人

A Person Who Is Good at His/Her Job 一个工作得心应手的人

A Person Who Likes to Help Others 一个喜欢帮助他人的人

A Person Who Took Care of You in Your Childhood 一个在你儿时照顾过你的人

A Person You Enjoy Talking With 一个你乐于和他聊天的人

A Person You Live with 一个和你一起住的人

A Person You Visited 一个你看望过的人

A Person You Would Like to Be Similar to 一个你希望能和他很像的人

雅思口语考试的第二部分的话题可归类的特点可以为考生备考雅思口语考试Part 2 节省大量时间。

以上就是小编总结的雅思口语part2注意事项,可以看出第二部分出题的方式还是非常多变的,而雅思口语考试Part 2考察的重点是学生组织一个话题结构是否是有逻辑结构的,所以雅思口语考试Part 2千万不要想到哪说到哪,主线和话题提纲要在心中有数。




















... the advantages and disadvantages of the use of computers.

... the banning of alcohol and tobacco advertising in the media.

... price differences between various items in your country and Australia.

... examinations at school in your country and their relevance.

... the importance of video and television in education.

... the pros and cons of living, studying or working in a foreign country.

... the causes and effects of traffic jams in major cities.

... the qualities and skills required of a good company manager.


... the recreational facilities in your city/town.

... the night-life in your city/town.

... the public transport system in your city/town.

... an interesting vacation you have taken recently.

... how a vacuum cleaner or other modern appliance works.

... your journey to this country.

... your first impressions of (your host country).


... the rules of basketball (or your favourite game or sport).

... how space travel can be of benefit in the future.

... why crime occurs in modern cities.

... the need for an international language.

... why you chose your particular field of study.


... a folk story in your culture that has significance.

... the plot of a good book you have read recently.


Could you please rephrase that question/topic?

I'm not exactly sure what you mean ...

I'm not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps) ...

That's a rather difficult question, but (maybe) ...

I'm sorry, but I don't know much about ...

However, it might be possible that ...

Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience I had.

That's an interesting question ...

Let me see. Well, I suppose that ...

Well, I think there are 2 (or 3 or more) reasons:

First, ... Second, ... Finally, ...

In my opinion there are three ways of looking at it:

First of all, ... Next, ... Then, ...

Have I given you enough information?

Would you like me to tell you more about ...?

Is that all you'd like to know?

I'm afraid that's about as much as I know.

I think that's about it.

I can't think of anything else right now ...

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