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1. only child独生子女

2. self-centered?以自我为中心的

3. the elderly and the family?老人和家庭

4. life expectancy?预期寿命

5. to become common practice?蔚然成风

6. well-being幸福, 福利

7. respecting the old and loving the young尊老爱幼

8. population and family planning人口与计划生育

9. incentive?鼓励, 刺激

10. curb?限制, 抑制

11. consumption消费

12. institute设立, 制定

13. penalty惩罚

14. census人口普查

15. population density人口密度

16. densely/sparsely populated人口稠密/稀少


1. It is good to learn at another man’s cost. 前车之鉴。

2. The specter sees most clearly. 旁观者清。

3. Prevention is better than cure. 预防胜于治疗。

4. The older, the wiser. 年岁增长智慧。

5. A pet lamp makes a cross ram. 宠坏的羔羊会变成恶羊。

6. The loss outweighs the gain. 得不偿失。

7. No sweet without sweat. 苦尽甘来。

8. Rome wasn’t built in a day. 罗马不是一天建成的。

9. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 有志者事竟成。

10. Bend the willow while it is still young. 修树要趁早,育人要趁小。

11. Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue. 勇敢和坚决是美德的灵魂。

12. The path to glory is always rugged. 光荣之路常坎坷。

13. Nothing is difficult to the man who will try. 世上无难事,只要人肯试。



first, second, third,

first, then / next, after that / next, finally

for one thing … for another…,

on (the) one hand…on the other hand,

besides / what’s more / in addition / furthermore / moreover / another / also,

especially / in particular,


now, at present, recently,

after, afterwards, after that, after a while, in a few days,

at first, in the beginning, to begin with,

later, next, finally,

immediately, soon, suddenly, all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, the moment

form now on, from then on,

at the same time, meanwhile,

till, not…until, before, after, when, while, as during,


now, in addition, for example, for instance, in this case, moreover

furthermore, in fact, actually


but, however, while, though, or, otherwise, on the contrary, on the other

hand, in contrast, despite, in spite of, even though, except (for), instead, of course, after all




2. 面对“假日经济”的热潮,人们态度各异

3. 在我看来…


Holiday Economy

Holiday economy is not new to people all around the world. In China, it stands for the nationwide one-week holiday starting from October 1st (the National Day).The government established the week-long holiday back in 1999 to stimulate domestic spending.Tour operators, retailers, and wedding halls have been cashing in ever since.

However, there are shifting perspectives about holiday economy. Many people,including some economists,think positively about holiday economy.They believe that tourism-based holiday economy has increased consumption and helped to spur the domestic demands.While others,who worry about the negative effect of holiday economy,argue that holiday economy do more harm than good.For example,during the extended holiday, scenic spots are overloaded with tourists,and it not only spoils the relaxing mood of the tourists,but also overburdens the tourist attractions.

In my opinion, both sides are reasonable.We should take good advantages of the holiday to develop economy while trying to tackle the problems existed with practical measures.Only in this way can we not only enjoy the pleasure golden week endows us,but also promote the development of holiday economy soundly.

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