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It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be.Give possible reasons and your recommendations.

You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

Write at least 250 words.

(40 minutes)


Sample Answer:

There is a growing tendency that the family members hardly communicate with each other. Young people are in constant contact with everybody. Yes, they may talk to Mom three times a day, but they're talking to friends all day long. Mom is the least of their contacts. In this essay, I will explore the possible reasons and solutions to this problem.

There are several reasons for this tendency. First of all, the crowded modern life make being alone a luxury enjoyment. When working hardly under pressure every day, people want to be alone in their scarce spare time, they are sick of discussion and argument in their work. Moreover, there are more choice of entertainment and amusement, which can be enjoyed by ones own, which make conversation unnecessary at home.

How do young adults master the challenges of crafting decent relationships with Mom and Dad? And how have their parents recalibrate their interactions to adjust for the times?

First of all, parents should be supportive, but not overbearing; incisive, but not judgmental.

Beside that parents should try to talk the same talk with their children. Most importantly,people at the same family should always temper their criticism. Parents should not offer too much unsolicited advice to adult children. A parent's voice, even when whispered, is louder than anyone else's voice in their grown kids' ears.

Home is a place we can rest and a close family relationship can surely be maintained as long as we realize the significant role it plays in our lives.

(254 words)


1、“Mom is the least of their contacts.”注意“the least”的用法和翻译。例如:"She is the least one to come.”通常翻译为:她是绝对不会来的。

2、“…they are sick of discussion and argument in their work.”he sick of...厌烦……

3、“…which can be enjoyed by ones own,which make conversation unnecessary at home.”两个which引导的两句并列,使得表达更加明了。


更多关注:广州环球雅思培训学校 /huanqiu/



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