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Environmental problem is too big for countries or individual persons to address. In other words, we have reached the stage that environmental problems must to be solved from an international view. To what extent do you agree or disagree ?

You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

Write at least 250 words.

(40 minutes)


Sample Answer:

To improve the environment and beautify our surrounding is the theme of today's world. To cooperation at the international level is highly desirable. I fully agree with the claim that international joint efforts are the best way to protect environment.

Obviously, most of the environmental problems, ranging from deforestation in a small area to global warming, are not the result of any individual country. It is true that a growing number of problems are no longer confined to a certain region or country. Oil spills can pollute international waters; the loss of the ozone layer may lead 'o the melting of ice caps and glaciers, which in turn, may raise sea levels worldwide. Both cases, of course, go far beyond individual countries. It is in such cases that international cooperation is not only desirable, but also invaluable. International committee should be set up and international standards established, so that individual efforts can be coordinated and resources used to their fullest potential.

It does not necessarily mean that individual countries and individual persons no longer have anything to do with environmental problems. Firstly, it is the individual countries that finally carry out measures agreed upon at an international level.

Secondly, only when individual countries have succeeded in improving their own circumstances can an international solution be achieved. Finally, individual persons also play a crucial role in that if everyone does a small part, then together we can achieve a lot. If we all start with small things such as recycling plastics and saving water and electricity, then the tasks that the country as a whole faces will be. a lot easier.

Therefore, the best way, if there is one, is that we deal with environmental problems at both individual and international levels.

(291 words)


1. ranginng from …to… 从……到……

2.…no longer confined to a … 不再局限于……

3. "Oil spills can pollute international waters; the loss of the ozone layer may lead to the melting of ice caps and目aciers, which in turn,may raise sea levels worldwide." 注意: "which in turn" 的用法。

更多关注:广州环球雅思培训学校 /huanqiu/



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