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A 1860 dollars? That's too rich for me.

B To be frank, the price is reasonable because the quality is superior.

A 1860美元?这对我来说太贵了。

B 坦白地说,这价格是合情合理的,因为它的质量很好。

★to be frank 坦白地说

★reasonable [?ri?zn?bl] adj. 合理的,公道的

★quality [?kw?l?ti] n. 质量

★superior [su??p??r??(r)] adj. 优良的

A I'll give you half that, those look stale.

B Are you kidding? No!

A 那个我给你半价,那些看起来都不新鲜了。

B 你开玩笑吧?不行!

★stale [ste?l] adj. 不新鲜的,走味的

A I will consider it if you bring down the price.

B What about 1200 dollars? That's our rock bottom price.

A 如果你降价的话我会考虑一下。

B 1200美元怎么样?这可是我们的跳楼价了。

★bring down 降低,减少

★rock bottom price 跳楼价,较低价

A That's the final price, take it or leave it.

B Fine. I'm leaving.

A 这是较低的价格了,买不买随你。

B 好吧,那我走吧。

★the final price 较低的价格,最后的价格

★take it or leave it 买不买随你,不买就算了

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