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Answer 1

My family is not big. We are three altogether—my mother, my wife and I. My father passed away a few years ago. My mother is fifty-seven years old. She is a retired worker. My wife is a nurse and she is pregnant.


Answer 2

There are five people in my family, including my grandmother, my parents, my elder brother and myself. My father is an engineer, and my mother is a housewife. My brother is a journalist. He is still a happy single man like me. We live a happy life together.


Answer 3

People say there is a generation gap in the world today, but I don't think there is one in my family. Meals are very lively at our house. I often watch TV together with my family in the evenings. On weekends or holidays, we sometimes go to parks, cinemas and concerts together.


Answer 4

I get along well with my sister. She is preparing for college entrance exams right now, so she asks me for advice a lot. We often go swimming and shopping together on weekends.


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