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如果面试官问你最崇拜谁,比较好说自己崇拜的人中与所应聘的工作能搭上关系的那一个。 下面小编为大家整理的面试最崇拜的人英文,希望对大家有用!


Answer 1

My hero is my father. He taught me to do the right thing, to value others and to help them whenever I can. I also learned to plan ahead, to work hard, and to do my best in any situation. Dad tought me to be a lifelong learner, to smile and keep a sense of humor even when things get tough, and to love, support and protect my family.


Answer 2

I admire my mother most. She knows how to value people and help them as far as she can. She plans ahead, works hard and gives her best shot in any situation. She believes anything can be achieved if the intent to do it and the willingness to learn is there.


Answer 3

I have always been inspired by the legendary Greek hero Leonidous. He knew that he faced grave dangers and could have lost his life, but for his countrymen he took the giant leap.


Answer 4

I admire the proactive persistence of Thomas Edison. He remained persistent, even after many failed attempts, because he never ran out of ideas. Thomas Edison didn't stop at 3 alternatives, or 4 or 5. He didn't even stop at 10,000. When he reached experiment 9,999, he was asked by a reporter, "Sir, are you going to fail 10,000 times?" Edison confidently replied, "I have not failed at each attempt; rather, I've succeeded at discovering another way not to invent an electric lamp."


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