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A Healing Sound

A saxophone isn't an easy instrument for an eleven year old to play underordinary circumstances. Throw in bone cancer that has metastasized to the lungand you have a whole different ballgame.

My daughter was diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma, a bone cancer, when she was nineyears old. We took her to a wonderful pediatric oncologist who gave us hope.

When spots were discovered on her lungs six weeks later, our hope dimmedconsiderably. We prepared ourselves for the worst.

My eleven year old son ranted and raved against God and even the president whenfaced with the news of his sister's declining health.“Why doesn't God take me?”

he wailed.“Why her? She's the good kid.”

I felt we needed to go on with life as normally as possible, so my daughterbegan fourth grade that year with the recommendation to her teachers that I becalled if she seemed too tired to make it through the day. My daughter resistedstaying home with every ounce of strength left in her small body. When theschool day ended, she would collapse on the couch at home and sleep untilsuppertime.

So small and yet so determined, my daughter vowed to be involved in as much aspossible. When her older brother tried out for percussionist in the little gradeschool band, my daughter began to plan for her entry into the group when shewould enter fifth grade.

We went to look at instruments. Of all the instruments available, my daughterinsisted on the saxophone.

“How are you going to manage that?”

With a determined tone, she replied,“I know I can do it.”

“All right.” I sighed.“If you can get a sound out of it, you can play it.”

For ten minutes the emaciated little girl with sparse hair blew into thisseemingly gigantic instrument and finally, a weak squeak emanated from it.

My daughter beamed with pride. The instrument was hers. In the days and monthsto follow, she amazed all with her prowess on the golden instrument. We fitted aspecial pad on the cord that held the saxophone so it wouldn't rub against hercatheter. We were amazed at the amount of energy she could muster to play theinstrument. At family gatherings she’d entertain the audience, bringing tears tomany eyes as they marveled at this miracle taking place.

And the best miracle of all was that the cancer was going away. At her check upthat year the doctors informed us the spots had disappeared from her lungs.

Did blowing the saxophone strengthen her lungs and cause the cancer to recede?

Was it strictly the medication and radiation treatments working? Or was theresomething more powerful involved?

All I know is that there were a lot of prayers for my little girl twenty yearsago, and she is still alive to testify to the miracle of the saxophone,determination, and God's love.


















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