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关于在线支付(Paying online)英语作文



关于在线支付(Paying online)英语作文

You can almost do anything on the net these days-from paying your gas bills tobuying a TV set. However, paying online has its advantages and disadvantages.Whenshopping online goes smoothly, it’s quick and convenient, and you can often get agreat bargain,find a hard-to-find commodity. But no matter how routine it becomes,sending money over the web is not without risk.

About a third of consumers who've shopped online report difficulties, such as notreceiving merchandise they had paid for, or being billed for unordered commodities orhit with undisclosed charges. Then, how do you protect yourself when you shop online?

Here are some sugestions.

First, go with well-known companies with solid customer services. Small orobscure web retailers don’t have resources to have compensation on lost or stolencommodities. Second, if you’re buying a hard-to-find object which is availableonly from a relatively unknown merchant, make sure you’re dealing with a securesite.

Check that their URL starts with https or shttp rather than http. Then,户ay theright way. Assuming that a site is secure, a credit card is the safest way to pay. Ifyou want to be extra cautious, ask your credit company to issue you an onetime-use credit card and a separate account number. That’8 good only for a singletransaction.

Following the above tips, you will be more secure when buying online and enjoythe convenience of the network.

标签:关于在线支付(Paying online)英语作文 关于在线支付(Paying online)英语作文



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